Solving equations is known to bear several challenges for learners. We discuss an approach based on conceptual understanding regarding the transformation of equations with the help of the so-called bar model in combination with the transposing strategy. First, we sketch shortly the main ideas that guided the development of the learning environment. Second, we discuss insights from the first design experiments with six students working with equation transformation in their regular school curriculum. These design experiments are embedded in a design research approach. In particular, we zoom into the semiotic processes of how learners connect several representations and emphasize a varying difficulty regarding single concept elements necessary to understand the concept of equivalent equations as a whole. Based on that, obstacles that come along with using the bar model are highlighted. Finally, we point to theoretical insights and implications for enhancing our learning environment.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2024, Article No: em2505
Publication date: 10 Sep 2024
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