Keyword: creative thinking skills

4 articles found.

Research Article

Integration of cognitive conflict in generative learning model to enhancing students’ creative thinking skills

Akmam Akmam, Renol Afrizon, Irwan Koto, David Setiawan, Rahmat Hidayat, Fuja Novitra

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2024, Article No: em2504

Research Article

Comparative Study of Divergent Thinking among Participants in a German Science Competition and Pupils in a Control Group

Swantje Müller, Verena Pietzner

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 16, Issue 10, October 2020, Article No: em1883

Research Article

Inquiry-Based Laboratory Practices in a Science Teacher Training Program

Zeha Yakar, Hatice Baykara

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2014, 173-183