Virtual labs in life sciences education: A case study of grade 10 learners in selected South African rural schools
Mbalenhle Ngema 1 , Abraham Motlhabane 1 *
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1 University of South Africa, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA* Corresponding Author


This study investigated the effectiveness of virtual reality lab activities in enhancing grade 10 learners’ understanding of life sciences concepts and science process skills. A quasi-experimental design was employed, with a control group using traditional teaching methods and an experimental group using virtual reality lab activities. The results showed significant improvements in the experimental group’s understanding of life sciences concepts and science process skills, including making observations, interpretation, measurement, recording data, and planning an investigation. The virtual reality lab activities were found to be effective in enhancing learners’ understanding and skills, with significant differences observed between the control and experimental groups. The study’s findings suggest that virtual reality lab activities can be a valuable tool for teaching life sciences and promoting science process skills and have implications for the integration of technology in science education.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2025, Article No: em2579

Publication date: 04 Feb 2025

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