Specializing the scientific creativity survey for subjects “our foods” and “human and environment” in grade 4 science curriculum
Tekin Güler 1 , Muammer Çalık 2 *
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1 Department of Child Development, Cekerek Fuat Oktay Vocational School of Health Services, Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, TÜRKİYE2 Department of Elementary Teacher Education, Fatih Faculty of Education, Trabzon University, Trabzon, TÜRKİYE* Corresponding Author


The related literature has included several versions of the scientific creativity survey but lacked its specialized version for grade 4 science curriculum. Therefore, this study aimed to specialize the scientific creativity survey for the subjects “our foods” and “human and environment” in grade 4 science curriculum. After determining the relevant keywords extracted from the scientific creativity literature and previous surveys, we developed subject-specific questions based on them. Later, a group of experts were asked (elementary teacher educators, science educators, elementary school teachers and science teachers) to check the survey’s content, applicability and understandability prior to pilot testing with the participants. Then, three successive pilot studies were conducted with different samples to identify its content validity and reliability. The findings showed significant differences for question-total correlation(s), and between the upper and lower groups. Further, its Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.857 in the first pilot study to 0.907 in the third pilot study. The present study concludes that the specialized scientific creativity survey is valid and reliable for the context (e.g., grade 4 and science course). Thus, it can be used to measure and evaluate grade 4 (aged 10 years) students’ scientific creativity and sub-dimensions (e.g., fluency, flexibility, and originality) of the subjects “our foods” and “human and environment.”


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 21, Issue 4, April 2025, Article No: em2616


Publication date: 01 Apr 2025

Online publication date: 17 Mar 2025

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