Literacy skills through the use of digital STEAM-inquiry learning modules: A comparative study of urban and rural elementary schools in Indonesia
Agus Susanta 1 * , Edi Susanto 1 , Rusnilawati 2 , Hari Sumardi 1 , Siti Rahaimah Binti Ali 3
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1 University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, INDONESIA2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, INDONESIA3 Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author


Mathematical literacy is very important for students, especially in solving mathematical problems related to everyday life. It is important at the elementary school level because it is the basis for abilities at the next school level. In reality, the current learning in schools is not optimally focused on increasing mathematical literacy. This research aims to analyze differences in students’ literacy abilities based on learning approach (digital STEAM-inquiry learning [digital STEAMIL] module vs. conventional), geography (urban vs. rural), gender (male vs. female), and internet access. The research conducted was a quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent posttest-only group design. The subjects in this study were elementary school students in urban (N = 77) and rural areas (N = 65). Data was collected through technical tests (mathematical literacy post-test). Research data analysis used inferential statistics, ANOVA and post-hoc test (LSD). The results of the research showed that at the 95% confidence level, there was a difference in students’ mathematical literacy between the use of the digital STEAMIL module and conventional. There are differences based on demographics, where urban students’ mathematical literacy skills are better than rural students’ after learning with the digital STEAMIL module. However, there was no difference in gender (male vs. female) in mathematical literacy abilities. The intensity of internet access influences literacy skills after using the digital STEAMIL module, students who frequently access the internet tend to have higher mathematical literacy.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 21, Issue 4, April 2025, Article No: em2615

Publication date: 01 Apr 2025

Online publication date: 17 Mar 2025

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