This study explores Saudi students’ perceptions of their motivation to learn Mathematics using metacognitive strategies. Data were collected using a qualitative case study design among 13 Saudi secondary school students. The findings from the data collected through semi-structured interviews show that several motives encourage the participants to learn metacognitively. For instance, the findings demonstrate that the desire to experiment with a new concept helped to capture the interest of the learners and stimulate their curiosity to learn. Likewise, the desire to improve methods of thought which can meet the personal needs and goals of the learner may foster a positive attitude in learners and therefore contribute to their motivation. In addition, it is argued that students’ confidence in their skills may help them feel they can successfully control their learning. Finally, it was shown that the desire of students to improve their thinking strategies in their lives reinforced their achievements with internal rewards and therefore helped them to be satisfied with their learning.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2022, Article No: em2070
Publication date: 09 Jan 2022
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