Technological training is one of the most important components of the system of higher education in all economically developed countries. Objective of this research is revelation of effective management tools in the process of training of future teachers of technology. An experimental three-stage work with 102 students of Kazan Federal University in 2016-2017, directed to determination of level of professional competences formation, was carried out. The analysis of results of questioning and observations showed that the best result in training of teachers of technology is achieved by the tool, based on the use of a combination of means of formal, informal and non-formal education: case methods, business games, master classes, and discussions, participation of students in pedagogical and educational projects of the university. The educational business activity that allows simulating and playing any situation, connected with the organization of a new kind of activity, has to make a methodical basis of training a teacher of technology. The offered techniques can be considered as universal means of improvement of technological education quality.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2018, 2343-2351
Publication date: 27 Mar 2018
Article Views: 2930
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