The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of nurse candidates’ digital storytelling boards and hand-drawn storytelling boards (the current method) on processes of empathising with patients and analysing the case. The study designed in mixed research model was conducted with the 1st year nursing students in Turkey. While the experimental group used web 2.0 tools to prepare their storytelling boards, the control group used paper and pencil to prepare their storytelling boards. Storytelling boards designed by the students were analysed under the titles of empathising with patients and analysing cases and opinions of the nurse candidates about the process were assessed. The experimental group analysed cases more easily and tried to see the incidences from the others’ eyes more compared to the control group. Besides, this process was an interesting and enjoyable one. Digital storytelling would be an alternative and effective teaching method for nursing education.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2017, 6807-6822
Publication date: 27 Sep 2017
Article Views: 3700
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