This article presents qualitative research of a case study type, carried out with a group of 27 educators who were strengthening their knowledge of online education to a greater depth. Online education requires pedagogical mediation and the skills and competencies to work with technological resources which promote interaction, collaboration, and co-learning. From this perspective, the following research question was posed: what is the knowledge needed for educators to work in online education in order to promote knowledge production? The data collected was analysed according to Bardin (2011) and the assistance of Atlas Ti software. Based on the research findings it was possible to identify three main knowledge areas for mediating teaching and learning processes designed to produce knowledge, essential for teaching online.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2018, 2097-2106
Publication date: 09 Mar 2018
Article Views: 3387
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