Technology became a mediation tool for forming information and developing skills is teacher education programs of higher education institutions because technological tools can be used for self-reflection of prospective teachers’ teaching performances. Practical implementation of teacher education programmes is a part of quality indicator in higher education as it is components that determine the quality of the teacher education provided as well as enhances prospective teachers’ confidence Thematic analysis was used employed to reveal qualitative data upon research questions. The research findings revealed that participants enhanced their teaching practices by re-watching their experiences and correcting their flaws. Collaborative peer learning facilitated develop communication skills, self-evaluation, intrinsic motivation, critical thinking and reflection. Furthermore, the study sheds light on how technology enhanced learning environment can be developed for disabled learners with a concrete model for the quality in teaching practice within higher education practices.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2017, 803-813
Publication date: 18 Feb 2017
Article Views: 4236
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