The academic world, I mean mainly publication activity, is influenced by many circumstances. Academicians are evaluated by the numbers of papers published in the journals through last year or more (it depends on country). In academic publishing, a paper is an academic work that is usually published in an academic journal. It contains original research results or reviews existing results. Such a paper, also called an article, will only be considered valid if it undergoes a process of peer review by one or more referees (who are academics in the same field) who check that the content of the paper is suitable for publication in the journal. A paper may undergo a series of reviews, revisions, and re-submissions before finally being accepted or rejected for publication. This process typically takes several months. Next, there is often a delay of many months (or in some subjects, over a year) before an accepted manuscript appears. This is particularly true for the most popular and high evaluated journals where the number of accepted articles often outnumbers the space for printing. Some journals, particularly newer ones, are now published in electronic form only. Paper journals are now generally made available in electronic form as well, both to individual subscribers, and to libraries
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Article Type: Editorial
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 9, September 2017, 6041-6043
Publication date: 21 Jun 2017
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