In order to get optimal results and study the process of effective management and training of future professionals, a university should assess the range of student’s life goals and establish the most important criteria affecting the optimal human functioning during the academic years and later.
Material and methods:
Where applied dynamic, static and integrated methods for determining the criteria weights.
By using the static (subjective) method of weighting, the analysed criteria are ranked in the order of preference and can be used for determining the instantaneous, absolute or ideal values of the criteria, i.e. the expectations of people, not taking into account the surrounding processes, as well as subjective and objective circumstances. Rather, the methods of weighting various criteria create new opportunities in decision-making processes, considering the final goal. The integrated weighting method gives a new quality to the criteria. In fact, this method accumulates the subjective and objective information of the evaluated criteria. It has been established that finance, welfare and wealth are the dominant goals (values) of students, while business, career, studies, and health only follow them.
The suggested methodology helps to eliminate the shortcomings associated with the application of only a subjective or an objective approach to analysis.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 12, Issue 11, November 2016, 2771-2781
Publication date: 15 Aug 2016
Article Views: 2036
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