There is international emphasis on the right that all individuals should have to comprehensive education with learning opportunities tailored to their educational needs, and Colombia is no exception. Thus, the work reported here aims to (a) propose a curricular structure that allows addressing diversity in mathematics class, enabling flexibility and adaptation according to students’ particularities and (b) construct didactic designs of mathematics adjusted to a flexible and adaptable curricular structure, addressing diversity in the mathematics classroom in Colombia. This article partially addresses these objectives by exploring the question: What conceptual elements need to be considered to construct didactic designs of mathematics that address diversity in the classroom? Consequently, the study presents elements of a curricular proposal based on universal design for learning (UDL) to address diversity in mathematics classes. This is exemplified through a didactic design created for the study of sequences and patterns, promoting, in basic and middle education, the development of algebraic thinking through activities involving generalization and the study of patterns.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2024, Article No: em2458
Publication date: 01 Jun 2024
Online publication date: 24 May 2024
Article Views: 967
Article Downloads: 522
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