The engineering design process has been largely implemented in a collaborative project format. Recently, technological advancement has helped collaborative problem solving processes such as engineering design to have efficient implementation using computers or online technology. In this study, we investigated college students’ interaction and collaborative learning in the CSCL setting of performing engineering design tasks. To accomplish the research aim, this study compares participating learners’ interaction between teams of high and low achievement. We gathered texts, images, and URL links, in their real-time chatting environments and tracked all the histories that mapped their logins and interactions. We conducted content and CORDTRA analyses on the students' online chat conversations. The content analysis results showed similar frequency patterns for both teams at each stage of the engineering design process in CSCL. On the other hand, the interactions by CORDTRA analysis showed different patterns in some stages of the engineering design process and the differences influenced each team’s achievements. This study provided strategies on teachers’ involvement for successful outcomes in engineering design of CSCL.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2016, 767-782
Publication date: 17 Feb 2016
Article Views: 2131
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