Since Taiwan government has aggressively promoted its national capacity of innovative design in recent years, the need for designers with professional knowledge and skills has been increased significantly, and many colleges have established Department of Design accordingly. However, it was found that the fluctuation of mood of students from Department of Design is more significant than that from other Departments. The change in mood influences students’ recognition of shapes and colors. This study applied CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression) scale to test the current mood status of 120 freshmen from Department of Design and further find out the depression factors. From the factors of the study, six of them have been independent. These factors include “negative affect”, “interpersonal problem”, “physical and mental fatigue”, “sadness and crying”, “sleep disorder”, and “inappetence”. In fact, students from Department of Design appear to have Atypical Depression physically. They conceal the melancholic symptoms so that other people can hardly be aware of their depression. The study results can be the reference for current teachers of design education.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2018, 197-204
Publication date: 02 Nov 2017
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