STEM Education – Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions

Guest Editors

Puleng Motseki, University of South Africa, ORCID,

Terungwa James Age, University of South Africa, ORCID,

France Machaba, University of South Africa,

Call for Papers

The Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education is pleased to announce an online collection on “STEM Education.” This collection aims to publish high-quality research papers that explore the critical role of mathematics in the broader context of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Mathematics is a fundamental discipline that underpins and enables advancements across STEM fields. As such, this collection will encompass the complementary perspective on:

Mathematics in STEM Education: Papers in this category will focus on mathematics as a core STEM discipline, investigating topics such as the teaching and learning of advanced mathematical concepts, using mathematical modeling to advance mathematical knowledge and skills, and integration of mathematics in other STEM subjects.

We welcome contributions on (but not limited to) the following themes:

  • Digital and AI-driven STEM Education: The role of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and digital tools in enhancing STEM learning.
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEM: Strategies to improve gender diversity, accessibility for students with disabilities, and support for underrepresented groups in STEM fields.
  • Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning: The integration of STEM with arts (STEAM), social sciences, and real-world applications.
  • Assessment and Evaluation in STEM: Innovative approaches to measuring STEM competencies, including technology-enhanced assessments and formative evaluation strategies.
  • Educator Professional Development: Training programs, digital literacy initiatives, and competency-building strategies for STEM educators.
  • Industry and Community Engagement: Collaboration between educational institutions, industries, and communities to bridge the gap between STEM education and workforce readiness.
  • Sustainability and STEM: The role of STEM education in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development.

Research Methodologies and Scope

This collection welcomes both theoretical and empirical research studies, utilizing diverse methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Submissions may address various educational levels, from primary and secondary to tertiary and professional development. We welcome manuscripts focusing on teaching and learning of mathematics for and in STEM as well as studies exploring problem solving, problem posing, and mathematical reasoning related to the topic of this collection.

Authors are invited to submit their original research papers, review studies, and position papers that contribute to advancing our understanding of the dynamic interplay between mathematics and STEM education.


To ensure a structured and timely publication of this special issue, the following timeline is proposed:

  • Call for Papers Release: 21 March 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 June 2025
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 15 July 2025
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15 September 2025
  • Peer Review Process: 15 September – 15 November 2025
  • Final Revisions Submission: 15 December 2025
  • Publication of the Special Issue: 15 March 2026

Submission Guidelines

  1. To submit a paper to the collection, the authors are asked first to submit an abstract (300-500 words) that include:
  • Short theoretical background and rationale,
  • Research goal and procedure,
  • Short summary of findings.

Send the abstracts to and

The guest editors will review the abstracts. Upon their approval, the papers can be submitted to the collection.

  1. All full papers should be prepared according to the journal’s author guidelines and submitted through the online submission system. Indicate in the cover letter that the submission is intended for the “Mathematics in and for STEM Education” collection.

• EJMSTE website:

• Submission guidelines:

• Online submission system: (select special issue: “STEM Education – Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions” as the “Issue Type” while submitting the manuscript)