More and more people enjoy the brand new experience an e-book brings to them, but the traditional e-book is plenty of room for improvement. One of the reasons is that the book has to be read page by page; thus, it is not easy to grasp the overall structure of such a book. As such, we propose a novel system based on the information retrieval technologies to automatically create the keyword concept map for each section of the book. Moreover, in addition to showing the context where each keyword in the concept map is located, with each keyword in the concept map is associated a hyperlink, to make it easy for a reader to move to the context associated with the keyword. Equipped with the keyword concept map and the hyperlink associated with each keyword, it can be expected that the learning achievement of the reader can be raised. Our experimental results show that the proposed e-book system with the keyword concept map can provide a better learning result than a tradition e-book does in terms of both the scores received after learning and practicing and the results of satisfaction questionnaire on learning, practicing, and system satisfaction.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2017, 6737-6747
Publication date: 03 Oct 2017
Article Views: 2314
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