Although there has been discussion for the integration of ICT in mathematics education in developed countries for many decades, technology integration in mathematics education is a rather recent phenomenon in China. Before the 1990’s, technologies were rarely found in classrooms in schools and therefore rarely used in mathematics education in China. It is after 2000, the idea of ICT integration in mathematics teaching and learning started to be emphasized and encouraged in the most recent national mathematics curriculum standard. Under this background, this paper investigated the relationships between pre-service mathematics' beliefs about mathematics and its learning and teaching and their beliefs about ICT use.
Materials and methods:
Questionnaire survery. Simple correlation analysis and step-wise regression analysis were employed to analyze data.
1. Chinese pre-service mathematics teachers’ dynamic belief about the nature of mathematics and constructivist belief about mathematics learning and teaching are more likely to be correlated with their constructivist belief about ICT use.
2. Chinese pre-service mathematics teachers’ traditional beliefs about the nature of mathematics and its learning and teaching are more likely to be associated with their traditional beliefs about ICT use.
Social and cultural context act as an important factor influcing teachers' beliefs.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2015, 1363-1378
Publication date: 29 Sep 2015
Article Views: 3150
Article Downloads: 2231
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