In the knowledge-based economy era, new firms need dynamic capability to adapt to the rapidly changing environment with increasing uncertainties in the competitive environment. A lot of researchers concern about the significant effects of knowledge accumulation on capability enhancement, systematic research on the effect of organizational learning on dynamic capability is still short. With questionnaire survey, 223 enterprises established within the past 8 years are selected as the research subjects for exploring the relationship among learning orientation, ambidextrous learning, and dynamic capability as well as testing the moderation effect of environmental uncertainty. The results reveal positive effects of learning orientation on dynamic capability, partial mediation of exploratory learning (exploitative learning) on learning orientation to dynamic capability, and moderated-mediation of environmental uncertainty on the exploratory learning (exploitative learning) to learning orientation-dynamic capability. The research proves the function of learning orientation to dynamic capability and provides beneficial inspiration for new firms promoting dynamic capability.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 6, June 2018, 2193-2202
Publication date: 15 Mar 2018
Article Views: 3108
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