The paper presents the author's technique of preparation for final certification in mathematics for basic school; its key feature is the emphasis on the formation of subject knowledge and abilities, creation of psychologically comfortable situation and confidence in school students. The methodical system considers questions of time management and psychological aspects of examination preparation. The research conducted since 2012 up to present results in the model of a complex system of training school student for final certification for the course of basic school, which includes substantial mathematical preparation and school students’ preparation in regard to time management and psychological-pedagogical support of educational process participants; that allows to efficiently achieve education goals for each group of learners. The technique assumes a spirally-cyclic nature of the sequence of passing stages of each lesson; problem character of training material presentation; training by means of specially organized systems of tasks; minimization of theoretical material, use of methods and techniques adequate to the corresponding groups of school students. Materials presented in the paper are of practical value for school teachers, teachers of additional education, administration of educational institutions, school students and their parents as the technique described can be applicable in any educational institution, and be used by school students for independent preparation or preparation with an adult’s support; it enables to arrange the training rhythm and the degree to which the material should be studied.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2017, 4363-4378
Publication date: 29 Jun 2017
Article Views: 2573
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