The learning situation in the Zambian education sector has changed in the age of COVID-19 when the first two cases of COVID-19 infection were detected in the country rising to 45 local and at least 1.8 million infections globally by 13th April, 2020. Zambia became one of the many countries globally that has prematurely closed all schools. This study examines prospective teachers’ online learning mathematics activities in the age of COVID-19 pandemic. Cluster analysis results revealed that online learning mathematics activities have significant mean differences in clustering. Cluster 2 recorded the best performance, implying that students in this cluster exhibited excellent online learning skills for mathematics in technology-rich environments in which they will be forced to study and work in the future. The study reviews various available online platforms and indicates the one that will be opened by the government which is the Educational Channel on TV.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2020, Article No: em1872
Publication date: 15 Jun 2020
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