This article discusses an implementation research study that examined participating students’ learning processes of scientific imagination in a marine science digital storytelling (DST) project. Twenty-two fourth-grade students in a primary school participated in the study. Data were collected via students’ completed worksheets, digital storyboards, final digital storytelling products, and interviews. Results revealed that the lowest student performance occurred during the Dynamic Adjustment stage among the five stages of the digital storytelling scientific imagination framework. Students were not proficient in describing the relationships among scientific concepts and creating science stories based on their science knowledge. We also found opportunities for using DST tools in the conceptualization, organization, and formation of developing scientific imagination. The results suggested that interactive learning environments and fluent digital literacy are crucial in improving students’ ability to explore and connect different ideas in the development of scientific imagination.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 15, Issue 2, February 2019, Article No: em1659
Publication date: 10 Dec 2018
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