This study contributes to an integrative view on STEM subjects from an educational point of view. The focus is on the assessment of instructional methods in relation to knowledge processes. By a questionnaire, computer science teachers and mathematics teachers assessed 20 instructional methods in terms of knowledge processes (build, process, apply, transfer, evaluate, and integrate). The findings show that computer science teachers and mathematics teachers differ on the rating of instructional methods. However, the findings also allow a common way of looking at instructional methods by computer science teachers and mathematics teachers. This is an important result for pre- and in-service training programs and for the introduction of computer science as a new school subject.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 7, July 2018, 2969-2986
Publication date: 12 May 2018
Article Views: 3217
Article Downloads: 4393
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