The teaching of Euclidean geometry is a matter of serious concern in South Africa. This research, therefore, examined the Euclidean geometry learning experiences of 16 Grade 11 students from four South African secondary schools. Data were obtained using focus group discussions and student diary records. Students who were taught using a Van Hiele theory-based approach reported positive learning experiences in Euclidean geometry, while those who were taught using conventional methods reported negative learning experiences. It was concluded that the Van Hiele theory-based approach seems to meet students’ needs better than conventional approaches in learning Euclidean geometry. The use of unconventional teaching approaches such as Van Hiele theory-based instruction in the teaching and learning of Euclidean geometry is therefore recommended. Furthermore, teachers should give students an opportunity to evaluate the teaching approaches used in mathematics classrooms. Student input will help teachers change their teaching methods to suit the needs of the students.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2021, Article No: em1938
Publication date: 03 Feb 2021
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