In this research internet addiction has been dealt with as predictor and predicted variable, this situation has been analyzed from the perspectives of loneliness and cognitive absorption and a tangible model has been put forth. Participant group has been constituted by 338 teacher candidates. Research data were collected using loneliness scale (α=.96), cognitive absorption scale (α=.90) and internet addiction scale (α=.95). On the data that was obtained; structural equation model were used. As a result: Loneliness levels of candidate teachers have significant and positive direction effect on internet addiction. On the other hand internet addiction of teacher candidates affects their loneliness levels in positive direction and significantly.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 10, Issue 6, 2014, 581-594
Publication date: 22 Dec 2014
Article Views: 3298
Article Downloads: 1597
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