Social media or social networking sites have been used to support online learning with good interactive features. If an existing system can retain current users and attract new users, it can provide greater benefits and influence in the field of online learning. However, most previous studies focus on learner participation intention, and rarely note their switching intention. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze and discuss the learner switching intention from the perspective of Push-Pull-Mooring Model. A research framework was proposed for examining the switching intention of learners in social network-based learning platforms. A total of 371 valid samples were used to examine the research framework using the partial least squares approach. The results show that switching intention is significantly affected by the push effects (social interaction and service quality), mooring effects (switching costs and prior switching experience) and pull effects (attractiveness of new services and social effect). To retain and attract users, platform providers can raise switching costs through improving service quality and system capabilities and educators can develop appropriate approaches to enhance social interaction and social effects.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 15, Issue 9, September 2019, Article No: em1747
Publication date: 12 Apr 2019
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