Advanced technology enhances the rapid development of civilization. When the living standard is promoted, people start to pursue higher-quality material needs and mind contentment. The prevalence of leisure and entertainment has travel become an essential part of life. Along with the increasing tourist population, rural ecological environments and historical & cultural monuments are utilized for many tourist spots to cope with above needs as well as attract people who live in urban jungles leaving cities for scenery appreciation and local culture experiencing in countryside. Aiming at Yongchun Niumulin Ecological Tourism Zone, the supervisors and employees, with random sampling, are distributed 320 copies of questionnaire. Total 243 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 76%. The research results reveal significant correlations between 1.knowledge management and environmental education, 2.environmental education and professional performance, as well as 3.knowledge management and professional performance. According to the research results, suggestions are eventually proposed in this study, expecting to assist domestic eco-tourism in stable and continuous growth.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2017, 4679-4687
Publication date: 28 Jul 2017
Article Views: 3592
Article Downloads: 1632
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