The network marketing as a direct sale method has been widely recognised in Turkey. Today the consumption is not only comprised of the diversity of provided goods and services or their functional use but also some other various reasons. The functional consumption is generally considered the main reason behind the purchasing behaviour. Additionally, the consumers are influenced by the social meaning transmitted by a product or brand like a social expression of status or image. Moreover the consumers has become increasingly aware in respect of making product choices to fulfil their needs in the way to minimise the impact on the environment and their own health. The sample size of this research is a group of 504 people among the network-marketing customers in Turkey. The role of environmental consciousness and environmental education in the impact of conspicuous consumption on the re-buying decisions was assessed through an interview method. The structural equation methodology was utilised to evaluate the relations between the research variables. The model was tested with the structural equation method and a significant positive impact was identified between the environmentally product consciousness and re-buying decision. Unlike the environmentally product consciousness, no significant relation was identified between the conspicuous consumption and re-buying decision.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2017, 5531-5542
Publication date: 16 Jun 2017
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