This paper analyzing the relationship in Resource-exhausted City’s educational foundation and development abilities, we made an empirical study on the economic development of Cities on how to promote urban area economic development continuously. According the past two decades information from the cities, we have using the main data indicators and education to get the input and output relevant indicators with VAR quantitative antics. And from the perspective of harmonious development, we have using new economic growth model, city economic growth theory and higher vocational education interactive development to analyze the dynamic changes; from the factors of economic growth variables on the change degree, we achieved cumulative effect actively results. Finally, the paper puts forward the management measures of higher education and urban economic development upon the Resource-exhausted cities.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2017, 5805-5812
Publication date: 23 Aug 2017
Article Views: 1923
Article Downloads: 912
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