The Université des Lycéens (University of High-School Students) was set up in France in order to make scientific knowledge more relevant to students and to combat a growing lack of interest in science among students. The scheme involves a series of lectur, each followed by a debate. The organisers hope that putting students in direct contact with researchers will motivate them and enable them to envisage the nature of science and careers in science in a different way. Each of the three lectures covered by t, the students have a positive opinion of science, scientists and careers in science. But, in the meanwhile, they believe that scientific research may have negative effects. The lectures had little effect, either on their prior conceptions of science and scientists, nor on their acquisition of knowledge.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2005, 21-40
Publication date: 22 Nov 2005
Article Views: 1937
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