The use of simulation technologies in learning has received considerable attention in recent years, but few studies to date have focused on vehicle driving simulation systems. In this study, a vehicle driving simula-tion system was developed to support novice drivers in practicing their skills. Specifically, the vehicle driv-ing simulation system was designed according to various driving environmental factors that may be encoun-tered while traveling, including roads, time, weather, ambient scenery, traffic flow, and vehicle of the driver. Moreover, to improve the reality of the vehicle driving simulation system, software and hardware are rede-signed and updated during the research, particularly for increasing the reality of the simulation environment and future extensions of the driving simulation system. Accordingly, drivers can construct their own neces-sary driving situations so as to improve their skills. Experimentation in the visual simulation environment may reduce external factors of drivers, and may be repeated, so that it is a better approach to conduct re-search through the visual simulation technology.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2016, 1477-1485
Publication date: 21 Mar 2016
Article Views: 2737
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